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Womxn paint mural jam

Mural, 2019

This was my final piece of the Womxn Paint 2019 Mural Jam. This year’s theme is natural resilience; a theme which resonates with me deeply. The girl pictured has just fallen off her bike, but she isn’t discouraged. She’s fallen down many times before, made obvious by the array of bandages she’s sporting, and she knows she’ll be able to pick herself back up and keep going. 


The idea for the mural came to me while waiting for a concert. I grabbed my pencil and a scrap of paper and scribbled it down.

I then scanned the sketch and sketched it digitally on my iPad.

I then scanned the sketch and sketched it digitally on my iPad.

After I was happy with the composition, I added colour.

Natural Resilience.jpg

And then I painted my first mural!

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